How to properly install opencv 3 with QT on Raspberry
HI all, i want to install opencv 3 with QT enabled on my raspberry B+ , any suggestions or links to do all the procedure thanks
HI all, i want to install opencv 3 with QT enabled on my raspberry B+ , any suggestions or links to do all the procedure thanks
Asked: 2015-08-06 03:46:33 -0600
Seen: 4,262 times
Last updated: Aug 06 '15
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Did you actually try to google this?
yes yes but what about QT , do i need just to include the qt flag in cmake ??
ofcourse ... just like any other library, you will need to compile Qt for raspberry first. Look here.
@StevenPuttemans but there is some issues on using QT 5 with OPENCV 3.0 ... maybe i sould use QT 4.8.6 unstead of QT 5
Your problems are very generic. It works just fine here. Follow for example this tutorial.
@StevenPuttemans the link you have posted is for cross compiling QT for raspberry ... do i realyy need it or just this
That is Qt4 - but please use google ... there are 1000's of tutorials for this. Come back when you have an actual fixed problem...
@StevenPuttemans the problem is to use it with raspberry =D not in laptop , maybe there is no difference since both the pi and laptop (ubuntu) are linux based systems ??
there are also 1000 tutorials for installing on the pi. I think it is like the most frequently used embedded board with OpenCV ... please put in some effort.