Install Opencv on FreeBSD 8.2

asked 2015-07-28 04:42:38 -0600

jrm gravatar image

Hi everyone, I'm having a problem trying to install OpenCV in FreeBSD 8.2. I have done all steps in order to complete the installation and I've tried different versions of OpenCv but I'm still having an error during the make process and I don't know how to procced. image description

please help.

A lot of Thanks!

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please, do not even try with opencv2.2, it is way too old, to be useful at all !

rather, build from github src , also look here for help

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2015-07-28 04:51:06 -0600 )edit

sorry but I'm trying to build it in freebsd 8.2 so the corresponding version of OpenCv is 2.2. I know that its old but i have to use that version of FreeBsd. Anyway thanks for the help.

jrm gravatar imagejrm ( 2015-07-28 08:40:15 -0600 )edit