error: No member named 'getMat' in 'cv::face::FaceRecognizer'
Hello im low on time. I need a quick solution to this. I'm using opencv 3.0 and trying to get eigenvalues from this Fisherface recognizer model:
*Mat eigenvalues = model->getMat("eigenvalues");*
But it says 'getMat' is not a member in cv::face::FaceRecognizer. I tried reading the transition of opencv 2.0 to 3.0 and someone suggested using "GetLabelsByString" but i dont get it.
What should I use instead of getMat?
Thanks a lot ! I just need help with one more thing
Why am I getting this error?
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "struct cv::Ptr<class cv::face::basicfacerecognizer=""> __cdecl cv::face::createFisherFaceRecognizer(int,double)" (?createFisherFaceRecognizer@face@cv@@YA?AU?$Ptr@VBasicFaceRecognizer@face@cv@@@2@HN@Z) referenced in function "int __cdecl FaceRecognition(void)" (?FaceRecognition@@YAHXZ)
Have a look again at the repo, we just supplied more fixes. Also you will need the latest 3.0 branch to get this to work.
you will have to link opencv_face300(d).lib, too.
thanks a lot guys it worked :)
Great! Can you accept the answer below as the correct one then please? So this topic appears solved.