how do i configure opencv with code blocks in ubuntu
i am using ubuntu 15.04, installed opencv 3.00 ,i have latest version of code blocks with me,
i am using ubuntu 15.04, installed opencv 3.00 ,i have latest version of code blocks with me,
Try to run cmake with CodeBlocks generator: cmake ../opencv -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles"
(Some variants here:
This command should generate OpenCV CodeBlocks project in current directory.
Not quite sure what is going on here. 1) Use CodeBlocks to create a new OpenCV project (which simply loads up a lena.jpg for viewing) That creates a directory. 2) go to that current directory and run cmake per your instructions. 3) Now that directory has two different .cbp files contained within. 4) Build and run = error, can't find opencv2/core/core.hpp This answer is clear as mud. Can you help? How do you configure opencv with codeblocks in ubuntu?
if you succeed in doing
and make install
commandand you have a configured system, then open up Code::Blocks, create a new project, select a console project. Then right click on the project name, build options, linker settings. Inside the 'other linker options' you now add the command pkg-config opencv --libs
and you make sure that it is in angled brackets (cannot display them here). Finally in your source file you add #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
and using namespace cv;
and you are good to go.
Asked: 2015-07-12 03:33:21 -0600
Seen: 2,514 times
Last updated: Aug 07 '15
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