faces facs (facial action coding system)
Hi everybody, I'm searching the web for a long time and I hope anyone here can help me. I'm looking for a project that implemented recognition of face facs (facial action coding system). you can see the facs table in the bottom of this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facial_...
anyone knows of a code that implemented it (even part of it) so I can use it?
Thanks David
So you basically want to be able to detect movements of facial properties. For that I would suggest to take a look at the flandmark library, which offers the opportunity to track multiple facial landmarks. Another can be dlib. Then find a relation between them for each specific movement so you can classify them over time.
i have the same problem can you please help me?
Did you even read the suggestion that I made? You will need to track facial landmarks over a period of time to ensure that you can classify the movements correctly.