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How to build opencv_world300d.dll , lib?

asked Jul 7 '15

joonho1145 gravatar image

I'm build opencv 3.0 CMake 3.0.0rc WITH_CUDA

build ok. but, opencv_world300d.dll, lib is not there.

How to build opencv_world300d.dll , lib?

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The world dll is a wrapper around all the other dll's to be able to ship it as a single package. There is no use in making an extra lib file just for that one.

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans (Jul 7 '15)edit

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answered Sep 5 '15

Danc gravatar image

The answer you're looking for is don't use opencv_world300d.lib or .dll once you build your library. Instead, use the libraries compiled in your \lib\Debug directory, and add to your path the \bin\Debug so your program can access the dlls. Add to your project either the libs you require, or just put them all in:

opencv_calib3d300d.lib opencv_core300d.lib opencv_features2d300d.lib opencv_flann300d.lib opencv_hal300d.lib opencv_highgui300d.lib opencv_imgcodecs300d.lib opencv_imgproc300d.lib opencv_ml300d.lib opencv_objdetect300d.lib opencv_photo300d.lib opencv_shape300d.lib opencv_stitching300d.lib opencv_superres300d.lib opencv_ts300d.lib opencv_video300d.lib opencv_videoio300d.lib opencv_videostab300d.lib opencv_viz300d.lib

(you may have more or less depending on what you added to your build). Point is, you DON'T use opencv_world300d.lib/dll if you compile it yourself, you use the individual ones above. Hope this helps.

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You are partially correct, but like stated before, the opencv_world300d.lib/dll just does not exist!

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans (Sep 8 '15)edit

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Asked: Jul 7 '15

Seen: 4,772 times

Last updated: Sep 05 '15