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Accessing IP Camera using OpenCvSharp

asked 2015-07-04 09:05:19 -0600

Alfonsus Dhani gravatar image

Hi all ! I wanna access my IP camera using OpenCvSharp. I use C# and I have installed OpenCvSharp already. Can anyone give me some explanation how I can access my IP camera using OpenCvSharp ?

Regards, Alfonsus

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From FAQ- Step 0, point 4: ...are not allowed on this forum ... questions about problems with openCV wrappers (EmguCV, JavaCV, OpenCVSharp, ...) please ask to OpenCVSharp. Sorry

pklab gravatar imagepklab ( 2015-07-04 09:26:17 -0600 )edit

Ohh I am really sorry. I didn't read FAQ. Thank for reminding me :)

Alfonsus Dhani gravatar imageAlfonsus Dhani ( 2015-07-04 09:28:28 -0600 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2020-07-21 09:57:18 -0600

bole gravatar image


Please, try to check this code.

using OpenCvSharp;

using OpenCvSharp.Extensions;


// There are 2 ways.

VideoCapture capture;

// using the rtsp(Real time streaming protocol) for accessing the video stream

capture = new VideoCapture(@"rtsp://username:[email protected]:10554/tcp/av0_1");

// using the http protocol for accessing the video stream

capture = new VideoCapture(@"'");

Good luck.

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Asked: 2015-07-04 09:05:19 -0600

Seen: 3,795 times

Last updated: Jul 04 '15