the bad segmentation result of retina

asked Jul 3 '15

Sheng Liu gravatar image

updated Jul 3 '15

I have adjusted parameters of retina many times according to this. But the segmentation result is still unsatisfying. The retina method can be used to segment target in a image with complex background effectively? Is there a recipe to set parameters of retina?

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afaik, it does not do any real segmentation on its own (though you could use the magno image to start something) - so, what did you try ?

berak gravatar imageberak (Jul 3 '15)edit

I add specific results of the iteration together. Make binary image by thresholding and dilating. Then AND the binary iamge to the original image.

Sheng Liu gravatar imageSheng Liu (Jul 3 '15)edit

I need segment a non-face target in a image. To a certain degree, Retina meet my demand. But it is not perfect. Maybe the ASM is a good choice. Could you give me some advice on how to use ASM or OASM? Thank you!

Sheng Liu gravatar imageSheng Liu (Jul 3 '15)edit

Retina is only used to enhance images generally?

Sheng Liu gravatar imageSheng Liu (Jul 3 '15)edit