How would I do Face Alignment on JPEG face images in OpenCv while using Java?
I want to align several faces I have at my disposal here using openCv. I want to read a jpg face photo, align it and finally save it as in jpg after alignment. Here is where I am stuck. See below
public class FaceImageAlignment {
* @Param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// TODO code application logic here
BufferedImage img = null;
img = File("D:/face_test.jpg"));
//How to align face image using openCv
//This is where I am stuck on doing face alignment. I want to do Affine alignment on face images as follows
//I want to be able to use e.g. an opencv Affine alignement function assuming that function is AffineAlignment()
//I want to achieve the following assuming there is such a function for affine alignment in OpenCv with Java
AffineAlignment imgAlign = new AffineAlignment();
//but I do not seem to figure out how to do face alignment with it
BufferedImage imgAligned = new BufferedImage(//I will need to put aligned Image here as a BufferedImage);
File outPutFile = new File("D:\\face_aligned.jpg");
ImageIO.write(imgAligned, "JPEG", outPutFile );
Please I need your help on how to implement this in Java. Someone please show me how to do this?
Stuck at the same issue any updates ?