Non maximum suppression output from raw edgemap. [closed]

asked 2015-06-23 03:06:35 -0600

Devansh Dalal gravatar image

Problem I have a program which gives the edgemap of an image without non maximum suppression of edge pixels. I am trying to apply NMS on this edgemap. So Is there any opencv c++ implemetation of NMS online ? Please provide any link if any. I have searched but haven't found any suitable for my requirements.

The representation of image is different in my case. Its data type is float and every pixel value lies in [0...1] . If the value of a pixel is large, it means higher chance of that pixel be in some edge in the original image.


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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by sturkmen
close date 2020-08-16 13:25:23.818385



Use Canny: see this, it contains the NMS; you can see also in the OpenCV doc

thdrksdfthmn gravatar imagethdrksdfthmn ( 2015-06-23 03:23:52 -0600 )edit