Intellisense PCH warning

asked 2015-06-17 03:53:20 -0600

Tanq gravatar image

Hi. I have a problem with including OpenCV 3 header files. I'm using Visual studio 2013 community on Win 8.1 and working on MFC application. When i include opencv2/calib3d.hpp to stdafx.h file, i get "Intellisense PCH warning:" and have no clue what is wrong (no message, just empty warning). I can simply reproduce problem: just create new MFC dialog based project, include calib3d and get this warning. Sometimes i had to wait a little bit longer or include more opencv headers to get a warning.

Project compiles without a problem but intellisense is completely useless and even annoying cause 90% of my code is underlined (identifier not found and similar problems)

My workaround is that i include calib3d header only in files where i really need it and other opencv headers in precompiled header. Can anybody look into this problem and possibly give me a insight on what is wrong here?

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