Proper documentation

asked 2015-06-13 16:08:41 -0600

Krakonos gravatar image


I decided to learn something about OpenCV to do some rudimentary image processing on a project of mine. The trouble is, that I know very little about image processing (I know some of the math, like affine transformations, but some other (Hugh transform) is still magic to me, but I want to use it), and I am seasoned programmer. I still have trouble orienting myself in the C++ API: there is no proper reference.

The original python-ish for 2.4 is really, really hard to navigate. The 3.0 looks more reasonable, even has some hyperlinks, but a lot of them are still missing. That means if I'm looking at, for example, the 'rectangle' function, I can't navigate quickly to what a Rectangle type may be. Similar with many other types. This makes it pretty unhappy place to navigate, as I have to search for everything, and some searches (for example Mat) do have a lot of results.

It's not a showstopper, as the documentation is there (and is much better than the 2.4!), but surely, there must be another way. What do you use, besides your memory?

Please note that I'm working with vim, have completion set up, but it's no help as I need to figure out what objects do I want to first, and it won't help me with that.


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It is problem of this doxygen version. Please, check the new generated documentation tomorrow (the doxygen version should be and hyperlinks in functions should work better).

Note: nightly documentation is here:

You can also build documentation yourself, it is not hard and the search engine will work.

mshabunin gravatar imagemshabunin ( 2015-06-16 08:13:25 -0600 )edit