hog.detectMultiScale exits program without any warning, if the given image is smaller than a threshold.
I try to run a pedestrian detector with hog.detectMultiScale(). However, I realized that if the given image is smaller than a threshold, it exits the program without any warning. I also did not see any comment in the docs about any limitation of image size. I am using OpenCV3 and here is the section of my code with a naive solution.;
Rect bb = boundingBoxes[i];
// ignore too small bbs
if(bb.area() < BB_THRESHOLD || bb.height < 60 || bb.width < 60)
cout << bb.height << endl;
cout << bb.width << endl;
// get bb image and run detector
Mat bb_image = fg(bb);
hog.detectMultiScale(bb_image, found, 0, Size(5,5), Size(30,30), 1.0, 0, true);
However if I make smaller Size(30,30) to Size(10,10), I also need to increase the check sizes. I could not figure out what is the exact size threshold but this is the case. Any idea for the solution or does it seem like a bug in opencv?
If your image size is smaller than the HOG window size it can not perform detection. If that's what is happening here (difficult to say as you don't say which is that threshold you're talking about) it's not a bug