Camera calibration for See-through app

asked 2015-06-01 06:38:32 -0600

bechop gravatar image

Hello, I'm trying to develop a see-through application for the EPSON Moverio BT200 Glass.

I use OpenCV to detect objects and draw things on these objects. I made a first version of an app where the camera feed is displayed on the glass screen.

My question is, how to do the same thing without displaying the camera feed ?

I know it is possible (after a specific calibration) to use the see-through in order to match what I want to draw with the real object. I did a lot of research about it and found several SDK which allow to do that but I would like to know if it's possible with OpenCV (android/native, camera calibration process...) and if yes, what is the process to follow.

Any help would be most welcome...! ;) Thanks in advance

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