OpenCV3.0 WINDOWS_NORMAL flag not working [closed]
Hi, I just pulled the latest code from the trunk and now I observe that all the windows formed by cv::namedwindow is not resizable and is huge (probably as big as the input image which is huge as well). Following is the simple code for the reference:
void viewImage(cv::Mat image, vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints)
cv::Mat outimage = image;
cv::drawKeypoints(image, keypoints, outimage, cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);
cv::namedWindow( "Keypoints", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL ); // Create a window for display.
cv::imshow("Keypoints", outimage);
What is wrong?
which os / gui toolkit is used there ?
@break, Ubuntu 14.04. I am not sure what gui toolkit is. Do you mean the GUI framework highgui uses in the background? I am not sure what it uses (how can I know?). But the cmake cache shows WITH_VTK to be true. And WITH_QT and WITH_OPENGL false.
^^ yes, perfect, thanks ;)
Hi break, any updates or comments?
no, sorry. works fine on win. (my linux boxes are all headless, so can't test there)
It was working before, but does not work after the latest pull yesterday. I'll try compiling everything with OPENGL and share the info.
With QT it is working fine. But with vtk not.