Traincascade maxcatcount
I was looking through traincascade_features.h and could not figure out for what the variable maxCatCount in CvFeatureParams is used. It appears in boost.cpp under CascadeBoostTrainData but I didn't understand exactly what it did.
In lbpfeatures.cpp we have maxCatCount = 256; is this related to the 8 bit patterns?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
As you can read here by the original author of the implementation, it is a parameter used to size the responses of the features to the correct interval and to create weak classifiers that descriminate enough.
Thanks! That helps a lot. I'll futz with that value if my features produce learners that are off.
As far as I understand it is because internally it uses the featureEvaluator framework. That framework works well with correct values between 0-1 for other interfaces, but the response for the boosting needs to be between 0-255. So I guess that is the reason why this factor is added.