Unhandled System.IO.FileNotFound exception on .exe

asked 2015-03-13 12:02:51 -0600

dusica.r. gravatar image

updated 2015-03-13 12:35:44 -0600

C:\fakepath\err.PNG Hello, I'm trying to develop Windows Phone 8 appliaction in c#, using Visual Studio 2013. In my project, I use c++ dll, for some funcions with OpenCV. When in c# I call function from my dll, which containst "Mat" type, exception is thrown. Does anyone knows how to fix it?

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if you don't know how to call opencv dll file. i have a suggestion you can download emgu and use it or you can consult emgu source code! and you should remember the dll file and exe file should be in the same directory.

wuling gravatar imagewuling ( 2015-03-14 09:58:39 -0600 )edit

Hi! Thank you for your answer. My dll and exe are in the same folder. I also tried to use emgu cv, but "System.ICloneable colud not be resolved" I could not fix. Only remaining option is to contact emgu.

dusica.r. gravatar imagedusica.r. ( 2015-03-15 05:21:52 -0600 )edit