Remove Trained Label on LBPH Face Recognizer

asked 2015-02-25 09:12:54 -0600

mID gravatar image

I am trying to do face recognition on an ongoing video stream. Detected faces will be checked if they match any already trained label, if so the model will be updated, if not a new label will be started. My fear now is, as people come and go, more and more labels will be created and memory is wasted on people who have left the scene and never come back. Is there a way to "untrain" a certain label and release the memory?

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no, the interface does not allow you to do so. (while the underlying data-model would have np prob. with your idea)

just re-train it with the relevant set of persons/images

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2015-02-25 09:29:07 -0600 )edit