How was haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml trained
Hello, I've been doing a lot of research and i can't seem to find how haarcascadefrontalfacealt.xml was made. My questions are: how many positives and negative samples(pictures) where used, what parameters where used during the training, and how come all the values in the xml are all positive? if someone can help me understand more how to create a good xml would really help me, thank you :)
@Andrey Pavlenko
I've read the guide you linked to me but I still dont know what parameters should I input. I've been following the procedures in this site and none of my xml are working. Plus i really dont know how come the haarcascadefrontalfacealt.xml's threshold and node values are all positive and the stage threshold gets bigger un like mine which values ranges from -2 to +2 only