GeneralizedHough in OpenCV2.4.10
Hi all, I try to write General Hough transform in opencv2.4.10 bulidin function. But the program is terminated at
I don't know what's happen.Someone can tell me how to set template image or has any idea or any referance can help me? I appreciate your help.
you do understand, that chinese error messages are not helpful ?
dear berk, it mean "unhandle expection Status at 0xC0000005 ,read position at 0x00000008 Access violation ccurs" so, i have no any ideas.
hey, thanks for translating that !
you welcome,but how to do ?
(blind guess)
can you check again, if you accidentally mixed debug/release opencv libs, or if you're using the wrong ones ?
Hi,I find my setting all in debug mode, and my code is the same. I try miexed both.
please strictly use only release libs with release build, and debug libs with debug build.
thanks, i bulid release opencv libs now. I will report result.