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Become a computer vision + OpenCV guru course

asked 2015-02-10 10:30:22 -0600

thdrksdfthmn gravatar image

I have a little question about the course posted on the OpenCV site: I have logged in, but I do get only emails about differents parts the course and nothing about the code, or algorithm or images databases... Shall I pay for that?

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2 answers

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answered 2015-02-11 02:05:28 -0600

As far as I understand the kickstarter project, you are bound to pay first, as a sort of commitment to the project, by pledging money. Once the project reaches it goal, your cash will be deducted and collected. In return you will get access to the software and the course which is offered. As I can see, they reached their goal more than enough so it will happen any way or the other. So yes, if you want 1st, 2nd or 3rd wave access, then pledge now!

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answered 2015-02-10 23:34:34 -0600

First of all, i don't think this question is anyway related to this Opencv forum.

If you want to get some suggestions about an Institution or any other course, you can ask in any other social media rather than posting here.

I think this is the place where you can learn for free! How? You start experimenting it & ask questions if you have any doubt in implementing that! There are lot of people in this site who are ready to educate you about that topic they know & also you can educating others about the curious questions you have about a topic. So in my personal opinion experimenting is the best way to learn.

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I posted because I think it is a course related to OpenCV: "become a ... OpenCV guru", but I will close it, because I have gotten the answer.

thdrksdfthmn gravatar imagethdrksdfthmn ( 2015-02-11 04:07:36 -0600 )edit

Better to accept an answer as solution, rather then closing it down :) I do not think it was unrelated, therefore my answer!

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans ( 2015-02-11 05:46:41 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2015-02-10 10:30:22 -0600

Seen: 457 times

Last updated: Feb 10 '15

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