Method to detect the perimeter board in an Ice Hockey game image
Hi all, I need to be able to detect the boundary of the ad-board in an ice hockey arena.
The Perimeter board always has a yellow line on the bottom. Of course, there is a lot of noise due to the players, the hockey stick, goal post and the referee and the brands on the display.
The step by step approach I followed is to : 1) using HSV image, apply threshold to mark the yellow region of the image. Challenge: due to the players, the contour is not always continuous.. How to merge the contours?
2) Apply another threshold on the original image whereby I am able to segregate the spectators predominantly ( from the top of the perimeter board and above). Challenge: I still am left with a lot of players in the arena. Please see point 4 on my approach for this.
3) Combine the filtered image from step 1 and 2.
4) Use the HOG-Human detection to mark the players ( In the hope that I can draw contours for each of the player detected, mask them, remove them from the original picture - This part is yet to be done).
I will upload my initial image and the output of my effort so far..
Is there a more intelligent approach to solve this?
Original Image
With Yellow Threshold
With Threshold for top edge of the Permeter board
What I actually want finally (Tall ask!??)
I think it is a little case specific: what if the players wear yellow, or white (as some parts of them in your case). Another thing: you know that the yellow line is more or less horizontal, so, try to do dilation and erosion with different horizontal rectangles
Hi thdrksdfthmn, Thanks for the tip. But would that not just get me the yellow region? How would i get to the end result?