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Error building opencv with extra modules (ALL_build build errors)

asked 2015-01-17 04:41:53 -0600

sid gravatar image

i am building opencv 3.0 with extra modules from opencv contrib repository , cmake compilation goes fine. after that , when i try to build ALL_BUILD it fails and gives me following errors:

Error 1 error C2059: syntax error : 'bad suffix on number' c:\opencv_contrib-master\modules\line_descriptor\src\bitops.hpp 104 1 opencv_line_descriptor Error 5 error C2065: 'NAN' : undeclared identifier C:\opencv_contrib-master\modules\saliency\src\motionSaliencyBinWangApr2014.cpp 84 1 opencv_saliency Error 6 error C2065: 'NAN' : undeclared identifier C:\opencv_contrib-master\modules\saliency\src\motionSaliencyBinWangApr2014.cpp 92 1 opencv_saliency Error 7 error C2065: 'NAN' : undeclared identifier C:\opencv_contrib-master\modules\saliency\src\motionSaliencyBinWangApr2014.cpp 482 1 opencv_saliency Error 8 error C2065: 'NAN' : undeclared identifier C:\opencv_contrib-master\modules\saliency\src\motionSaliencyBinWangApr2014.cpp 492 1 opencv_saliency Error 3 error C2065: 'U' : undeclared identifier c:\opencv_contrib-master\modules\line_descriptor\src\bitops.hpp 104 1 opencv_line_descriptor Error 2 error C2146: syntax error : missing ',' before identifier 'U' c:\opencv_contrib-master\modules\line_descriptor\src\bitops.hpp 104 1 opencv_line_descriptor Error 4 error LNK1104: cannot open file '....\lib\Debug\opencv_line_descriptor300d.lib' C:\opencv-master\build64\modules\line_descriptor\LINK opencv_perf_line_descriptor Error 9 error LNK1104: cannot open file '....\lib\Debug\opencv_line_descriptor300d.lib' C:\opencv-master\build64\modules\line_descriptor\LINK opencv_test_line_descriptor

i am using visual studio 11 2014 on windows 8 64 bit , i did the same process on 32bit windows 7 system and it went fine. but can't figure out these errors on 64bit machine . please help THANKS in advance.

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Thanx man , it worked

sid gravatar imagesid ( 2015-01-17 05:32:05 -0600 )edit

after successfully compilation and every thing setup , when i run the code , it says Error 1 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'opencv\cv.h': No such file or directory. although the intellisense shows that it exist, whats the matter ??????? :(

sid gravatar imagesid ( 2015-01-17 05:55:17 -0600 )edit

did you run make install in the end ? (that should copy the headers)

also, avoid the deprecated c-api. if your code has this, it is for sure outdated.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2015-01-17 06:03:08 -0600 )edit

no i didnt,

sid gravatar imagesid ( 2015-01-17 06:48:01 -0600 )edit

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answered 2015-01-17 04:56:58 -0600

berak gravatar image

yes, known issue.

you might have to disable modules, which don't compile, like:

cmake -D BUILD_opencv_saliency=OFF

(rinse and repeat)

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Asked: 2015-01-17 04:41:53 -0600

Seen: 4,247 times

Last updated: Jan 17 '15