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Visual C++ | Windows Form Application & Opencv precompiled lib

asked 2014-11-18 13:04:06 -0600

Dan gravatar image

Hello People,

I have been developing without any problems couple of C++ console applications using the pre-compiled libraries of OpenCV. Now, I would like to take that applications into a more friendly environment (user interface) as the C++ console is. So, I would like to make them in Visual C++/Win32 or in Windows Form Application for C++, preferably the last one. My questions and issues are the following:

  1. Should I build the OpenCV libraries with OpenNI, TBB and/or CUDA for being able to make my applications in WFA or Win32 and get the maximal functionality of it? is that a must of pre-compiled ones could be enough?

  2. Now I would like to kindly ask you how I would be able to e.g. display frame/picture inside the window of my app and not generating an external one with "namedWindow" "imshow". If you could attach a simple code of it, I mean, displaying a picture in a MFC|Win32|WFA app. I will be able to build my whole app. So, I appreciate if you, very kind and expert person, could make the life of this unknown one much easier!

    Thanks a lot in advance for you help!

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1 answer

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answered 2014-11-18 17:00:17 -0600

ben.seep gravatar image

With the tutorials available on opencv look at how to convert CV::mat to bitmap. Should be relatively easy to map all together into a nice GUI

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Thank you for the info! Yes, there is a lot of information. However, to find an answer to an specific issue, the fastest way is here. To be honest I didn't have any clue.

Thanks again!

Dan gravatar imageDan ( 2014-11-20 02:54:58 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2014-11-18 13:04:06 -0600

Seen: 443 times

Last updated: Nov 18 '14