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Should I use JavaCV or OpenCV's java wrapper?

asked 2014-11-11 14:53:28 -0600

Dindo gravatar image

I am going to write a CV program in Java/Swing. I can't decide between JavaCV and OpenCV's official java wrapper. Main

  • Altough OpenCV's Java documentation sometimes lacks, it seems that JavaCV has no documentation at all (except for a few old examples)

  • JavaCV has some own classes, for example CanvasFrame (seems to simplify GUI creation)

  • As OpenCV does not have a complete HighGui module, it seems that I would have to copy entire Mat object to BufferedImage point by point when I want to display it. Does JavaCV do this in the background? Or is the image showing faster when done with JavaCV?

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I have use both, javacv and java API, and I do recommend you java API. Mainly because the documentation

rafaoc gravatar imagerafaoc ( 2014-12-04 22:14:40 -0600 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2014-11-20 17:53:02 -0600

rafaoc gravatar image

I have worked with both api from opencv to java and javaCV and I do recommend you to work with the api. Mainly because of the documentation. Also if you dont find examples exactly for the api use, you can easily read either the c++ or the python implementation and try to find out how in java. I have realised java implementation and python are very similar.

About the gui, you can use gui builder for java. And to display an image you can create a function where the input is the image to display. See

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answered 2014-11-20 17:54:33 -0600

rafaoc gravatar image

I have worked with both api from opencv to java and javaCV and I do recommend you to work with the api. Mainly because of the documentation. Also if you dont find examples exactly for the api use, you can easily read either the c++ or the python implementation and try to find out how in java. I have realised java implementation and python are very similar.

About the gui, you can use gui builder for java. And to display an image you can create a function where the input is the image to display. See

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Asked: 2014-11-11 14:53:28 -0600

Seen: 4,660 times

Last updated: Nov 20 '14