OpenCV for Windows Phone 8

asked 2014-10-28 13:32:23 -0600

Hi. I've downloaded and built the project for Windows Phone 8 from the link: I've created my project (a Direct3D Native app) and added the following projects to my solution: -opencv_calib3d -opencv_core -opencv_features2d -opencv_flann -opencv_imgproc -opencv_photo -opencv_video -opencv_videostab

and included in my Renderer class the corresponding includes for using VideoCapture and Mat, but the build fails because of some "unresolved external symbol" at VideoCapture, namedWindow and imshow. What am I forgetting?

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if you're using opencv 2.4.x, - i don't see opencv_highgui in your list

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-10-29 01:32:52 -0600 )edit