Prosilica and OpenCV
Good morning, after many days of reading information, documents and I still think a lot where I was a few days ago ... I hope you can help me.
I have a Prosilica (GigaEthernet GC1020C) camera and I need is to show the video with OpenCV in C ++ (Visual Studio, Windows).
I tried with AVT SDK and get it detects a camera but open to capture frames and gives me error. I've tried VideoCapture cap(CV_CAP_PVAPI) but I did not find anything camera...
I hope you can help me. thank you very much
UPDATE: getBuildInformation return:
Here is the problem... PvAPI NO... How can I install properly??
the prebuild windows libs come without PVAPI support.
you will have to get the Prosilica sdk, and rebuild opencv , cmake -D WITH_PVAPI=ON
I've already done that: Is it ok?
My code is (C++ / OpenCV):
Later the the line: CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( CV_CAP_PVAPI ); The variable capture is NULL...
Thanks for your help!! What can I do?
Thanks you PS: the camera work fine (I can see video stream with AVT viewer)
cerr << cv::getBuildInformation(); will tell you, if you really have the PVAPI support compiled in.
@StevenPuttemans, we need your help here. ;)
The PVAPI builtin OpenCV was broke - see my answer for the solution :)