Matlab Opencv connection problem

asked 2014-10-15 07:59:47 -0600


I'm a newbie in Opencv. I always did image processing using Matlab toolbox but now i need to accelerate things with opencv. I need to connect matlab to opencv and I found an easy way in this tutorial link text but it didn't work. I'm using Matlab R2010a and microsoft visual c++ express 2010 as a compiler. I first downoloaded opencv 2.4.10 and extracted it in 'C:\opencv', then, after mex -setup I downloaded mexopencv from link text, extracted it and added it to path and finally run mexopencv.make but the following errors appear:

Error using ==> make>pkg_config at 184 OpenCV include path not found: C:\opencv\include

Error in ==> make at 87 [cv_cflags,cv_libs] = pkg_config(opts);

I added 'C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin' to the path in environment variables but always the same problem. Help me please

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mexopencv isn't an official supported package. I suggest you to go to the correct forums for problems. Also take a look at the official page. It contains many solutions to problems already occured to others. A second approach could be to use the new matlab interface of OpenCV itself, which can be found here and which requires you to build the master branch 3.0 of OpenCV with a link to the contrib repository.

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans ( 2014-10-15 08:05:01 -0600 )edit