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How to do face alignment without considering eye position

asked Oct 7 '14

ann gravatar image

I am doing a face recognition project. Now I want to align faces without considering eye position. Suppose if I got side view of an image, at that time I can't plot eye positions. Even though I need to do face alignment. So is it possible to do face alignment without considering any particular points? Since I want to align faces if it is front face or side face.Could anyone give me a good suggestion.

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answered Oct 7 '14

stepo gravatar image

If you don't want to locate eyes, you can for example use cv::matchTemplate() function. Your reference template will be an average face image. However, do you have any special reason why you don't want to locate eyes? the Haar detectors haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml and haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml from opencv sample cascade classifiers work quite good for me. The further proper alignment based on the detected eyes is really easy.

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Yes I know , it is easy by locating eyes. Suppose if I got image with side face at that time I can't locate eyes. That's why I am asking is it possible to do face alignment without locating any points.

ann gravatar imageann (Oct 7 '14)edit

Actually matchTemplate() is used for image matching. How we canc use this for face alignment????

ann gravatar imageann (Oct 7 '14)edit

You cannot combine face recognition for frontal and side faces together. That is just not done due the the large inner class difference (too much variation of a single person to train a decent classifier). So either split it up or just use frontal faces. I dont know why you would use profile faces for person recognition in the first place.

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans (Oct 7 '14)edit

Is there any way to do face alignment for profile face?

ann gravatar imageann (Oct 8 '14)edit

You would need to train 3 seperate detectors. An ear detector, a chin detector and a profile eye detector. Then use those interesting points to align all those profile faces. But why you want to align profile faces?

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans (Oct 8 '14)edit

can you use profile face in recognition ?

chebhou gravatar imagechebhou (Oct 10 '14)edit

Yes you can but you will need to train a complete new setup with profile faces. Also I have no idea how good this will work.

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans (Oct 10 '14)edit

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Asked: Oct 7 '14

Seen: 686 times

Last updated: Oct 07 '14