OpenCV + MinGW
There is no MinGW compatible versions of OpenCV at Where can I download OpenCV 2.4.3-.2.4.7, which are compatible with MinGW?
There is no MinGW compatible versions of OpenCV at Where can I download OpenCV 2.4.3-.2.4.7, which are compatible with MinGW?
Asked: 2014-09-28 02:15:24 -0600
Seen: 389 times
Last updated: Sep 28 '14
OpenCV 2.4.3 MinGW cannot run program
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even if you find an older opencv version with prebuilt mingw libs, it might not be compatible with your mingw environment( c++ libs, etc), that's the reason, they stopped including them.
so stop looking for it, get 2.4.9 and cmake instead, and build the opencv libs locally.