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opencv 2.4.9 compatibility of which version visual studio and windows which OS

asked 2014-09-25 01:25:29 -0600

govardhana padavala gravatar image

updated 2014-09-25 23:43:57 -0600

Hi every body, Iam new person to this tool, im using vs2008 and opencv 2.4.9 while im using mat object in my program i am getting error like "Microsoft Visual Studio C Runtime Library has detected a fatal error in filename.exe", i unable to find the solution to this.So finally i decided this is compatibility problem. Here what i felt is correct or not, help me any one please, thank you. it's gov...

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1 answer

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answered 2014-09-26 00:05:49 -0600

rwong gravatar image

As long as you recompile OpenCV and your own code with the same version of Visual Studio, it should not be a problem. However, this is not recommended for beginning developers. Consider using Visual Studio Express Edition if you cannot afford to buy a more recent version of Visual Studio.

To recompile OpenCV with the version of Visual Studio you own, you will have to install CMake and learn how to use it. There are instructions on how to recompile OpenCV with Visual Studio. Go to the section, "Installation by Making Your Own Libraries from the Source Files".

Using CMake to recompile OpenCV requires you to identify and locate the many third-party dependencies that are used by OpenCV; many of those may be unfamiliar to you.

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thank you for reply, but here i didnt introduce cmake because there is chance of making image processing without that too, so i followed that version. sory to say like this im not satisfied with your answer sir, once again thank you. im hoping for better solution

govardhana padavala gravatar imagegovardhana padavala ( 2014-09-26 00:35:03 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2014-09-25 01:25:29 -0600

Seen: 905 times

Last updated: Sep 26 '14