Still image capture at 3-5fps of pool table

asked 2014-09-17 08:58:35 -0600

We are looking for a camera that can be used to capture decent resolution, non-blurry, still images of moving balls on a pool table at 3-5fps. We would be processing those images using some OpenCV based code using HoughCircles to locate the balls.

We have tried using a Logitech webcam, and some OpenCV sample code, but the images typically have some blur so the software can't locate the "circular" balls. It seems like webcams in general are designed to stream video in H264, and the capture software is trying to extract images from a video stream.

The GoPro camera features modes that capture 5 and 10fps images, and it can also stream those out, but seems primarily designed for capture to the camera and later using the wireless interface to move the data to a computer. We are looking for more of a "real time" application. Get a burst of still images moved over USB or ethernet to a Linux machine where our code can the locate the balls and do some other processing.

Imagine taking 25 images over 5 seconds of moving balls on a pool table. We want to have those 25 images showing essentially "frozen" balls with no blur so we can then process them. Also, the balls will not be moving very fast like during a break, but more like a speed where one would lag for break.

Any help towards a camera that can do this would be appreciated.


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Balaji R gravatar imageBalaji R ( 2014-09-18 01:17:01 -0600 )edit