GPU Cuda initialization much slower with opencv libraries
Hello all,
Prereqs for posting, my environment: Linux x86 64, OpenCV, CUDA 5.0, Tesla Kepler K20c GPU
I've got a simple C++ application to benchmark cuda performance. It makes and times the following calls once each in order:
cudaMalloc(&someMemory, sizeof(float)*1024*1024);
With just the cuda libraries linking, this takes ~10s of milliseconds for each call except for the malloc, which is about 0.25 seconds. biggie, it's all part of GPU startup costs.
Here's the weird part - if I include and in the linker list (-lopencv_gpu -lopencv_core), without changing code whatsoever, those timings go through the roof. The cudaSetDevice call takes ~2.5 seconds, and the malloc takes ~5 seconds. Calls after that seem to be just as fast, but a ~7.5 second startup cost is ridiculous considering it's only ~.5 seconds without the opencv libraries.
Another oddity, taking out libopencv_gpu and just leaving the core library still has an effect: the set device call still takes ~2.5 seconds, and the malloc takes ~.7 seconds. What gives?
This affects more than my benchmark app, and it is repeatable. Does anyone have any insight on how opencv is destroying my startup performance? I tried setting CUDA_DEVCODE_CACHE to /tmp/devcode, thinking it was PTX compilations, but nothing was made in the directory - am I using it wrong?
Any help would be great. Thanks!
OpenCV optimizes its GPU performance by demanding a higher startup cost for each library you include and link. However this makes sure that further in the programming you are not getting any overhead anymore. This is as far as I have understood it always. It is very simple, first run you know it will take 10 sec, but then it can process functions at amazing speeds.
Thanks for the reply Steven. Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of that startup lag being acceptable. According to the opencv documentation, it could be doing the JIT PTX compilation, and that CUDA_DEVCODE_CACHE should be used to cache the PTX code for future use, but that feature does not seem to be working. Has anyone ever even tried this? Google fails me (or maybe I fail Google).
No idea about that...
Another thought, the documentation makes me believe that the cuda code is precompiled by default for compute capabilities 1.1 and 1.3, and that perhaps if I add CUDA_ARCH_BIN=3.5 to the CMake defines it'll precompile the cuda kernels for my K20c. I'm trying it out and will report back if it helps.
Reporting back, setting CUDA_ARCH_BIN dropped about 2 seconds off the initialization time, but I'm still looking at around a ~6 second startup lag. If opencv isn't compiling PTX now, what on earth is it doing?
Another update - opencv 2.4.9 is slightly slower by about 0.1 seconds, so that didn't help.
Another update - compiling with static libs shaved off another 3 seconds! I'm getting there...