Windows has triggered a breakpoint - OpenCV
I don't know how to settle his problem. There's no error with the code.
I don't know how to settle his problem. There's no error with the code.
Asked: 2014-08-22 06:19:22 -0600
Seen: 630 times
Last updated: Aug 22 '14
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dear, your screenshot isn't helpful at all (you even put the msgbox over the offending piece of code)
please, instead, paste your code here, and the text from output panel.
also, take a look at the faq please.
There's no error with the code, but when I debug it, this problem occur.
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in myNewOpenCV.exe.
This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in myNewOpenCV.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.
This may also be due to the user pressing F12 while myNewOpenCV.exe has focus.
The output window may have more diagnostic information.
hi all, i am also facing same issue, but i got in different place which is "VideoCapture camera(0);"
AND one more think if i am clean my project in multiple time then it was running at one time then next time onwards i was getting same issue. anyone please help me on that issue.
// Create cascade classifier cascade_classifier = new cv::CascadeClassifier(CASCADE_FILE); if (cascade_classifier->empty()) { std::cout << "Error creating cascade classifier. Make sure the file \n" "\t" << CASCADE_FILE << "\n" "is in working directory.\n"; exit(1); }
@sriramganesh please do not post an answer here, if you have a question or comment. thank you.