Read raw webcam data
hi opencv fans,
I am new to opencv and I am happy that I have found this project. Who can tell me if and how to read raw pixel data from a webcamera.
thx Alex
Asked: 2014-08-19 16:28:51 -0600
Seen: 1,306 times
Last updated: Aug 20 '14
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Welcome to the open source community and OpenCV community in particular! To gain comprehensive details, I would suggest to go through OpenCV tutorials. They're easy and very informative. If you have a problem with a particular part of the tutorial, share your problem on OpenCV Answers.
What exactly do you mean by raw?
@thdrksdfthmn: I was confused too! Does raw mean the raw images? webcamera does support raw images. Or, does it mean the pixel value of the matrix? But I think @ademmler is asking how to get the frames from the webcamera (although they're not raw data).