how to remove point noise
I want to remove noises similiar points and save persian character.
my sample is:
how to this work is possible? are there any function or algorithm for remove noises in opencv?
I want to remove noises similiar points and save persian character.
my sample is:
how to this work is possible? are there any function or algorithm for remove noises in opencv?
This case is not an easy one. It depends on the application and the effects of the noise. The easiest thing you can do to correct the image is to use the median filter After that you can also erode the image and then dilate it
If you need to go beyond this level, then you need to extract the features and recognize the outlier (and of course, make them off).
This is the result:
Asked: 2014-08-17 01:56:44 -0600
Seen: 2,052 times
Last updated: Aug 18 '14
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