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asked 2014-08-13 14:16:47 -0600
is there any official OpenCv 3.x wrapper available for .net (c#)?
there is no official c# wrapper at all, they're all 3rd party.
Thx, do you know any of 3rd party wrapper for 3.0? I checked Emgu, SimpleCV, OpenCVSharp none of supports to 3.0 yet
Those package will never build wrappers for an unstable dev release... that would not be benifitial seeing all the changes that are happening.
answered 2014-08-16 15:28:26 -0600
OpenCV current official release is 2.4.9 If you need OpenCV C# wrapper, try Emgu.
but, ... with a grain of salt. currently, emgu is 80% wrapping outdated c-api functionality from the 90's
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Asked: 2014-08-13 14:16:47 -0600
Seen: 3,504 times
Last updated: Aug 16 '14
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there is no official c# wrapper at all, they're all 3rd party.
Thx, do you know any of 3rd party wrapper for 3.0? I checked Emgu, SimpleCV, OpenCVSharp none of supports to 3.0 yet
Those package will never build wrappers for an unstable dev release... that would not be benifitial seeing all the changes that are happening.