Finding a Projector real world position

asked 2014-08-13 11:09:02 -0600

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I'm currently trying to discover the 3D position of a projector within a real world coordinate system. The origin of such a system is, for example, the corner of a wall. I've used Open Frameworks addon called ofxCvCameraProjectorCalibration that is based on OpenCV functions, namely calibrateCamera and stereoCalibrate methods. The application output is the following:

  • camera intrisic matrix (distortion coeficients included);
  • projector intrisic matrix (distortion coeficients included);
  • camera->projector extrinsic matrix;

My initial idea was, while calibration the camera, place the chessboard pattern at the corner of the wall and extract the extrinsic parameters ( [RT] matrix ) for that particular calibration. After calibrating both camera and projector do I have all the necessary data to discover the position of the projector in real world coordinates? If so, what's the matrix manipulation required to get it?

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