i want to write plate detection
i want to write license plate detection program with adaboost classifier and python in opencv, please help me about structure of this project thanks
i want to write license plate detection program with adaboost classifier and python in opencv, please help me about structure of this project thanks
First of all you need to learn about it from chp 5 of book Packtpub.Mastering.OpenCV.with.Practical.Computer.Vision.Projects in which they detect the vehicle licence plate (Book is free to download , so search it out) . You can view the same question and helpfull answer from @Mathieu here .
Some algorithms which i remember you have use are :
Sobel filter
Threshold operation (otsu)
Close Morphological operation
Mask of one filled area
Svm classifier
Asked: 2014-08-02 12:15:12 -0600
Seen: 446 times
Last updated: Aug 02 '14
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For persian plate recognition refer to here