How to set recording length

asked 2014-07-28 18:35:29 -0600

FJofreA gravatar image

updated 2014-07-31 16:11:39 -0600

Hi all, my name is Fernando and I am starting with both OpenCV and RPi (and programming!)

Is it possible (and how) to set the length of a recording? It could be in either seconds or in a certain amount of frames (i.e. record 100 frames at 15 fps)

In the same way, I am interested in some processing rather than recording the video to "watch" it later (I do not intend to make a film :-) ), therefore, it could be possible to put each frame's data in some kind of a "buffer" to allow me further analysis (I'd like to do it in real time, but I do not know hot to do that). Is that possible? or, should I record the video and then load it and analysis?

I am using a Raspberry Pi (with Raspbian) with a raspicam (and/or usb webcam) and OpenCV 2.4.2 in either C++ or Python.

PS: my main goal is to obtain some video at 15+ fps. Do some processing on it and then present the output. The processing is obtain the Green channel, sum up the pixel values of a ROI, filter them and then obtain spectra. My original plan was to do it in "real-time", but I am afraid the RPi is not powerful enough to do it, so I´ll do it online (or offline if recording>load>processing).

Thank you in advance!

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If you want to know that all these processings are possible or not then the answer is YES

FLY gravatar imageFLY ( 2014-07-28 18:39:30 -0600 )edit

Thank you Ahmad!. Then my question should be: How do I do that?

FJofreA gravatar imageFJofreA ( 2014-07-29 16:58:32 -0600 )edit