cannot open file 'opencv_ffmpeg249_64.lib'

asked 2014-07-28 02:27:47 -0600

Pvn gravatar image

hi I am using openCV for the first time and trying to use it with visual studio 2010. I wrote my first sample program and on building solution i got the following error.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_ffmpeg249_64.lib'

the above lib file is not present in the lib folder. I am using opencv 2.4.9 version.

thanks and regards pavan

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There is no prebuilt ffmpeg for 64 bit systems. You should built FFMPEG from scratch first for 64 bit than built OpenCV again and it will automatically select the correct built!

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans ( 2014-07-28 02:34:56 -0600 )edit