Shape representation as curve
as seen on the image, i need to represent my hand shape as a time series curve, is there any available method that can provide me that easily.
EDIT : time-series representation, the horizontal axis denotes the angle between each contour vertex and the initial point relative to the center point, normalized by 360 . The vertical axis denotes the Euclidean distance between the contour vertices and the center point, normalized by the radius of the maximal inscribed circle.
maybe, could you shed some more light on how you get the 'angle' there ?
the angle between each contour vertex and the initial point relative to the center point which i can observe from distance transform (normalized by 360degrees), thanks for reminding me @berak
if you'd use findContours you would get an ordered list of points. transform them to polar, resort,plot.
are you sure you want a 'time' series ? that would be something quite different.