reconfigure to newer version
i had configured MS-VS10 with opencv 2.4.2 now i need to reconfigure it to 2.4.9,how can i do that??
i had configured MS-VS10 with opencv 2.4.2 now i need to reconfigure it to 2.4.9,how can i do that??
You should start by downloading the newest version which currently 2.4.9 from this link
Make sure to download it into a new directory preferably with the version number as a suffix. e.g: d:\opencv249
Define as system variable OPENCV_DIR249 = d:\opencv249 (my recomendation). Also see this explanation on how to do it.
Then all you have left to do is to learn to link your new versions libraries and dll's to your code in Visual Studio 2010 as explained here.
Good luck!
This usually means one of three mistakes.
Either opencv_calib3d242d.lib does not exist because you are using a different version. Likely the file you wish to have in Configuration Property pages->Linker->Input->Additional dependencies is opencv_calib3d249d.lib.
Or you did not define the correct directories for additional libraries. Check the definitions in the Configuration Property pages->Linker->General->Additional Library directories
Another possible error is your project definition might be x86 while the directory you refer to is x64 or visa versa. Not that in the precompiled libraries you need to choose both your correct Visual Studio version(v10/v11) AND architecture type(x86/x64).
Asked: 2014-05-24 11:49:14 -0600
Seen: 265 times
Last updated: May 24 '14