image moment normalization
I am doing a sign language to voice recognition ,i am using normalized moments to compare databse images and captured frame , moments are used to calculate the orientation of the image and rotate it so that between orientation and reference angle there's a 5 degree difference ,i am following the method in this thesis link text more explaination of normalizarion is from page 28 to 30 .
The problem is when i am trying to implement the code the results are as follows
when trying to compare the final result with an image captured by subtracting pixels and defining a threshold value of 80 percent , only input images which are the same give the correct answer , so the problem is in the normalization part but i can't identify how to improve it
this is the normalization method ::
int normalize2 (const char * imageDB)
FILE *fp;
IplImage* pic1=0 , *pic2=0 , *tempT=0, *tempDB=0 , *temp3=0 , *temp4=0;
double u11 , u20 , u02 , theta1=0 , compare=0, theta2=0 , theta3=0 , theta=0, ratio=0;
//int h= 100 , w= 100 ; // Parameters needed for rotation
int a=0 , bright=0 , pixel1 =0 , pixel2 =0;
int threshold = 80 , id=0 , i=0;
CvMoments moments;
cvMoveWindow( "Tobe_Modified", 0, 50);
cvMoveWindow( "final", 500, 50);
cvMoveWindow( "compare", 250, 400);
const char * name=0;
pic2 = cvLoadImage(imageDB,0);
tempDB = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(pic2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
tempDB = cvLoadImage(imageDB,0);
//cvResize(tempT,tempDB, CV_INTER_AREA); // Normalize SIZE to standard size of Temp2
int w= cvGetSize(pic2).width/2; //Set rotation axes from size of image
int h=cvGetSize(pic2).height/2;
cout<<"widthis"<<w<<"heght is "<<h<<endl;
int f= cvCountNonZero(tempDB);
cout<<f<<"Non Zero Pixels in TEST"<<endl;
cout<<"done first rotation\n"<<endl;
cout<<"Angle of first image "<<theta1<<endl;
cvMoments( tempDB, &moments, 1 );
u11=cvGetCentralMoment( &moments, 1,1 );
u20=cvGetCentralMoment( &moments, 2,0 );
u02=cvGetCentralMoment( &moments, 0,2 );
/////////////////////////////////////// EQ 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
cout <<" The ANGLE theta in radians = " <<theta <<endl;
theta = 180*theta/pi;
cout <<" The ANGLE theta in degree = " <<theta <<endl;
if ((theta >=0) & (theta <=pi)) {
//Page 65of 83
theta2 = 0.5*atan(2*u11/(u20-u02));
cout<<theta2<<"theta2 in radians in 1st cond"<<endl;
else {
if ((theta > pi) & (theta < 1.5*pi)) {
theta2 = 0.5*(atan(2*u11/(u20-u02)) + pi);
cout<<theta2<<"theta2 in radians in 2nd cond"<<endl;
theta2 = 0.5*(atan(2*u11/(u20-u02))+2*pi) ;
cout<<theta2<<"theta2 in radians in 3rd cond"<<endl;
theta2 = 180*theta2/pi;
cout <<"angle theta2 of secnod image in degrees = " <<theta2 <<endl;
while ( (theta2-theta1 > 3 || theta2-theta1 <- 3) & (a < 360) || (theta1>0) &
(theta2<0) || (theta1<0) & (theta2>0))
printf("error b4 2nd rota \n");
tempDB ...
Basically you want us to fix your master thesis for you which you created copying a master thesis of someone else? Guess that a no go and exactly why someone already downvoted this. Don't expect us to go read other peoples thesis to understand the problem...
well actually i am not copying anything , i am trying to understand a method in the thesis , and i put the link only if more info is needed ! and i provided the number f pages and another equations that if found from a book .