the application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way qt c++ [closed]
What does it mean that you display this message "the application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way" after inserting a correct program in Qt creator C + +.
I did the translation of contour points (about 300-1000 poitns) ie each point I changed its X and Y coordinates to move the vector XOY center of gravity with this formula:
contours_poly[0][i].x = contours_poly[0][i]..x-mc[1].x;
contours_poly[0][i].y = contours_poly[0][i]..y-mc[1].y;
contours_poly[1][i].x = contours_poly[1][i]x-mc[1].x;
contours_poly[1][i].y = contours_poly[1][i].y-mc[1].y;
} // mc[1].x and mc[1].y are the coordinate of center of gravity
But I do not know if the bug is generated by the modification of a large number of points or what is the formula that is false. thank you
bad_alloc.. you ran out of memory ?
Probably you made an error in your code. Please give us some more information to get you the help needed ...
Please use the 'edit' button, it is there for a reason. Don't add other problems or explanations in an answer. Deleted and added it to the question myself.
hi @zowpro, you confused the indices in the code above. it's : contours_poly[ contour_id ][ point_id ].
Thanks guys, i resolved my problem