Do I need to use cmake to configure VS c++
I'm using pre-built.
I'm using pre-built.
Cmake is to generate build system and compile OpenCV from sources
If you're having trouble configuring OpenCV on VS, you might want to try the available NuGet package:
Just right-click on your project node, select "Manage NuGet packages...", search for opencv, install the package, and start coding. That's it :)
Oh, yes, I'm having lots of trouble figuring out how to configure 2.4.6!!! NuGet looks promising. I've made one change, an environmental variable, so I wonder if I need to return to its original value, or will Nuget figure it out? It is in the path variable. A system variable. path = .....%OPENCV_BUILD%\x64\VC10\bin. I think I added \x64\VC10\bin. I suspect opencv put in %OPENCV_BUILD%.
I decided to take a look at NuGet. I betan as instructed with the Package Mgr Console. Apparently, I need to fire up VS C++ 2013 to reach it. followed the instructions down to The two drop-down lists set default values that let you omit parameters from the commands you enter in the window:
In the Package source list, select the default source (NuGet package feed) that you want your commands to use. Typically you will leave this as its default value of NuGet official package source. For more information about alternative feeds, see Hosting Your Own NuGet Feeds.
In the Default project list, select the default project that you want your commands to work with. .. I entered PM: Get-Package -ListAvailable and got a huge list. I'm stuck.
You can use the Package Manager Console, but actually the easiest way is just to use the dialog. You can find it by right-clicking on the project and selecting "Manage NuGet packages...". It is a nice intuitive GUI where you can just search for the OpenCV package and install it.
Asked: 2014-02-26 20:56:23 -0600
Seen: 402 times
Last updated: Feb 27 '14
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