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OpenCV on STM32 (Cortex M4)

asked 2014-02-15 18:51:44 -0600

yanir gravatar image

Hi, I'm would like to use OpenCV on an STM32F4 (the one I will be using has a camera interface). I've been doing a lot of searching and have not found any straight answers to whether or not this is possible. Any one have experience with this? I don't need the entire library. I'd like to do basic image processing, compression, and whatever else I can squeeze on there. I will be be adding more RAM than what comes stock in the part.


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I am getting ready to do the same thing. I have already done some trials on my linux box, and now I am going to work on porting it all over to an stm32f4. I will keep you posted on how it goes. I think its just a matter of including the openCV core and then creating a function to convert your camera image to a cv::Mat.

What module are you using? I have ordered a few cam modules, but I am still looking into getting the RAM.

berge472 gravatar imageberge472 ( 2014-03-06 11:52:29 -0600 )edit

I do not get to say that this is impossible, but I think now unlikely especially in Cortex-M4, perhaps the Cortex-M7 which has higher speeds, even on a Cortex-A to 1Ghz'm having problems especially with perspective transfomrações that They require a lot of processing.

It seems to me that what weighs more in OpenCV is the destruction of the object cv :: Mat.

Please inform destalhes the problem you are having, if any have interest in working on this port.

CarlosDelfino gravatar imageCarlosDelfino ( 2016-10-19 08:05:51 -0600 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2019-06-21 03:41:02 -0600

I think the main problem is the use of dynamic memory allocation on Cortex M Micros that do not have memory managers. OpenCV make extensive use of dynamic memory allocation , thus requiring memory managers/garbage collection etc.

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answered 2014-10-07 04:06:54 -0600

DaSepp gravatar image

Pulling out this thread again... Did anybody have success on getting opencv work on a STM32xxxx???

Is the STM32F4xx fats enough to do the calculations?

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Asked: 2014-02-15 18:51:44 -0600

Seen: 12,728 times

Last updated: Oct 07 '14