Signature Verification
I want to compare two signature images like the below
Which algorithm should i use ?
I want to compare two signature images like the below
Which algorithm should i use ?
First of all:
Matching signatures is one of THE most difficult tasks. Why? Because each signature is different. Even if you compare the same signatures, the probability of them being the same is very less. So in your case, you will have to decide the threshold value.
About the method:
A very simple and crude algorithm might comprise of the following steps:
1.Divide the image into strips. Both the images, i.e. both the inputs.
2.Match the corresponding strips and find the similarity.
On the basis of the threshold decide if the images are same or not.
If you think the answer helps you then please accept it too :)
Asked: 2014-02-12 11:54:04 -0600
Seen: 3,234 times
Last updated: Feb 17 '14
I think google !
hey, i'm working on this. Have you got this?