Where would I find the library for OpenCV?
That's the question in Subject, but moreover does someone have a simple program that uses the library?
That's the question in Subject, but moreover does someone have a simple program that uses the library?
Hello, do you mean that you need an environment to use OpenCV? It's just OpenCV is a library, which can be integrated into compiler (like QT, or Visual Studio etc). Was that your question?
I'm interested in a list of the contents of the library, Say Newton method, matrix inversion, interpolation, histograms, ... Well, I just did a little Googling, and four a 400+ page pdf by Intel that has descriptions, but no code. Here's a program <http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/doc/tutorials/introduction/display_image/display_image.html#explanation> I found a library download source at <http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/>, but have no idea whether it's worth opening. To be continued.
Asked: 2014-02-11 19:55:36 -0600
Seen: 243 times
Last updated: Feb 12 '14
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