Unspecified error in persistence.cpp during trainingcascade
Hi All, I am trying to train the cascade xml using Opencv Traincascade approach.
I have the Positive folder containing the images of object to be detected and the descr file postivedesc.txt and Negative folder containing the Negative images(not the object of interest) and traincascade.exe in the C:\haar folder.
now when i am using the below command for training .
i am facing an issue :
C:\haar>traincascade.exe -data result/cascade -vec data/positive.vec -bg negative/negative.txt -numPos 100 -numNeg 300 -w 24 -h 24 -numStages 10 -minHitRate 0.999 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.5 -mode ALL -precalcValBufSize 1024 -precalcIdxBufSize 1024
console o/p:
PARAMETERS: cascadeDirName: result/cascade vecFileName: data/positive.vec bgFileName: negative/negative.txt numPos: 100 numNeg: 300 numStages: 10 precalcValBufSize[Mb] : 1024 precalcIdxBufSize[Mb] : 1024 stageType: BOOST featureType: HAAR sampleWidth: 24 sampleHeight: 24 boostType: GAB minHitRate: 0.999 maxFalseAlarmRate: 0.5 weightTrimRate: 0.95 maxDepth: 1 maxWeakCount: 100 mode: ALL
===== TRAINING 0-stage ===== <begin pos="" count="" :="" consumed="" 100="" :="" 100="" neg="" count="" :="" acceptanceratio="" 300="" :="" 1="" precalculation="" time:="" 9.795="" +----+---------+---------+="" |="" n="" |="" hr="" |="" fa="" |="" +----+---------+---------+="" |="" 1|="" 1|="" 1|="" +----+---------+---------+="" |="" 2|="" 1|="" 1|="" +----+---------+---------+="" |="" 3|="" 1|="" 1|="" +----+---------+---------+="" |="" 4|="" 1|="" 0.77|="" +----+---------+---------+="" |="" 5|="" 1|="" 0.3|="" +----+---------+---------+="" end=""> OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (Invalid fs.state) in unknown function, file ......\src\opencv\modules\core\src\persistence.cpp, line 5271
can anyone please tell me where am i doing wrong or what does the error specify.
Thanks in advance.
@StevenPuttemans can you help out with my issue. Thanks.
Seriously, stop trying to grab my attention ... i do not get why you have this problem .. I never had it before so that is why I don't repond here...
thanks for your reply